Tai Chi For Beginners - 21 Day Free Trial
Discover The Simple Steps To Learning The Beautiful Art Of Tai Chi Created and Designed Specifically For Beginners

Learning Tai Chi is a fantastic opportunity to improve your overall health. It can specifically help with reducing stress levels, improve your overall mood and quality of sleep.
It will improve your cognition, balance and core strength as you get older.
In fact there are many benefits to learning Tai Chi; Healthline Institute stated there are 11 main benefits to learning Tai Chi*:
- 1. Reduces Stress
- 2. Improves Mood
- 3. Better Sleep
- 4. Promotes Weight Loss
- 5. Improves Cognition In Older Adults
- 6. Reduces Risk Of Falling In Older Adults
- 7. Improves Fibromyalgia Symptoms
- 8. Improves COPD Symptoms
- 9. Improves Balance And Strength In People With Parkinson’s
- 10. Safe For People With Coronary Heart Disease
- 11. Reduces Pain From Arthritis
However, two big mistakes I see people making when trying to learn Tai Chi are…
…watching free YouTube videos of people doing Tai Chi and trying to copy them.
These videos are usually shown from a front view only which means you can see what they are doing but makes copying the movements very difficult.
Plus, you have no idea who the person in the video is and if they are qualified or experienced to teach Tai Chi.
This mistake goes hand in hand with people who set up schools and claim to teach Tai Chi with little or no formal training or experience.
At best you are learning incorrect form and at worst, as you advance, this incorrect form can lead to injury or strain on your body.
Master Howard Gibbon

I’ve been practising Tai Chi since 1973 and been a qualified instructor since 1976.
I studied under Grand Master Chee Soo and have personally trained over 2000 students and over 50 Tai Chi Teachers.
I love helping people learn Tai Chi and that’s one reason I started the…
Tai Chi Online Training Site
It is a website designed especially to help beginners learn Tai Chi from the comfort of their own home WITH the help and support from a Tai Chi Master.
I have put together an initial 9 Module beginner program specifically designed for you if you’re new to Tai Chi.
I’ll be your guide and instructor as we work through these 9 modules at your own pace.
We’ll cover:
- The Complete Tai Chi Beginners Form (50 moves)
- 24 different Dao Yin which are breathing exercises and I'll introduce you to them throughout the modules.
- Included in the beginner training are 24 Kai Men (Chinese Yoga Exercises)
As you go through the training videos it’s like you’re having a personal lesson with me by your side.
Each of the moves I teach can be viewed from the front, back, left and right allowing you to view the moves from all angles to check foot and hand movements… in other words a complete view of all moves.
I created the Beginners Tai Chi training with you in mind to make it as easy as possible to get started AND enjoyable to use, which means you’ll gain confidence and see results quickly.
The training modules have an accompanying PDF Guide to help you further and breaks down each of the moves shown in the videos.
And if you have ANY questions as you go through the lessons you can email me and I’ll be very happy to help.

We have many happy members in taichionlinetraining.com and I would love for you to join us and to help you with your journey learning Tai Chi
Normally a Beginner’s Level Membership is $17 per month.
I'd Like To Make You A Very Special Offer
And invite you to try the Beginners Online Tai Chi Course free for the next 21 days.
When you take the Free trial today you’ll have immediate access to:
- The essential warm up and breathing exercises.
- The 9 beginner training modules which walk you through the various Tai Chi Forms.
- 24 different Dao Yin which are breathing exercises.
- 24 Kai Men Chi (Chinese Yoga Exercises).
You’ll have direct access to Master Howard Gibbon for ANY questions you may have about learning Tai Chi. No question is too simple or basic.
We welcome questions and our aim is to have you ENJOYING your time learning Tai Chi so it becomes part of your daily rituals and you feel the long lasting benefits throughout your life.
I want to make this special offer as enticing as possible!
When you take the Free trial today I’ll also include:
Tai Chi Training Music
Many people like to practise with the music we had specially composed for the complete Tai Chi beginners form. The sound of crashing waves and seagulls in the background enhance the relaxing and calming feeling you get as you practise.
The Taoist Chang Ming Diet Guide
The thousands of years old Chinese Taoist recommended eating habits for long life.
And these special gifts are yours to keep even if you decide not to continue as a member of taichionlinetraining.com
Here's How The Special Offer Works
Click the button above, complete the secure membership form and you’ll have immediate access to your free trial for 21 days.
If within the 21 days you feel that taichionlinetraining.com is not for you then you can simply email me and cancel your membership.
You will NOT be charged for an ongoing membership.
If you wish to continue your membership with taichionlinetraining.com then you don’t need to do anything at all.
After 21 days you’ll be charged the monthly membership fee of just $17 and then $17 every month thereafter.
You can cancel at ANYTIME (you are not locked into any long contracts)
Cancelling is easy, all you do is send an email and we’ll do that immediately for you.
Hi Howard, I have enjoyed your teaching and have gotten though modular four. Being able to watch and read has been very helpful in fact more so then when I took lessons with an instructor. There were others in the class so did not get to spend as much time as I felt I needed on some aspects.
Namaste. Kerry – USA
Hi Howard, I simply wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed viewing your training videos today. It’s the first serious look I have given your videos and I was pleasantly surprised at their quality. I really appreciate how much work must have gone into creating this material and I am sure this will be a huge resource for beginners and your students.
There is an elegance and grace to your form that is a pleasure to watch and the detail of the presentation will be a joy to learn from. So I simply wanted to thank you. All the very best.
I just logged on now. It’s brilliant. Anytime anywhere tai chi training. Just Perfect!
Thank you for going to so much trouble for us all.

James Anderson
I would just like to say a personal ‘Thank You’ to you for your continuing to share your extensive knowledge and skill of our Lee Style Tai Chi with me and all your students, and for all your help during the times that I manage to get down from Edinburgh to attend your courses.
You make training with you a real pleasure, and I have over time come to realise that not only have I been leaning more about our wonderful arts whilst there, but also about myself.
I look forward to meeting up and training with you once again soon.
To get started today click the button above and you’ll have immediate access to:
- The essential warm up and breathing exercises.
- The 9 beginner training modules which walk you through the various Tai Chi Forms.
- 24 different Dao Yin which are breathing exercises.
- 24 Kai Men Chi (Chinese Yoga Exercises).
You’ll have direct access to Master Howard Gibbon for ANY questions you may have about learning Tai Chi. No question is too simple or basic.
We welcome questions and our aim is to have you ENJOYING your time learning Tai Chi so it becomes part of your daily rituals and you feel the long lasting benefits throughout your life.
Plus these special thank you gifts for taking the trial:
Tai Chi Training Music
Many people like to practise with the music we had specially composed for the complete Tai Chi beginners form. The sound of crashing waves and seagulls in the background enhance the relaxing and calming feeling you get as you practise.
The Taoist Chang Ming Diet Guide
The thousands of years old Chinese Taoist recommended eating habits for long life.
Click this button to get started today and I look forward to helping and training you in the beautiful art of Tai Chi
Master Howard Gibbon